Dumbass old man

This guy totally pissed me off. He butted in front of me and he
smelled terrible.

Note the elastic waist band jogging shorts and the clip on Dickies
suspenders. Really nice.


Rainey Talbot said...

Finally, something we can work with! You need to either start drinking a lot more or show more "human interest" moments like this. It's beginning to remind us of your weird uncle's slide shows from the 70's. Remember, WWJD. What Would Judy Do?

Sandy L Martin said...

Brad - did Celeste steal your camera and take a picture of you??? come on now!

We'd know those white legs anywhere!

Kristin said...

LMAO. He stole your fanny pack and wouldn't give it back.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine anyone ever pissing you off! You've got to be one of the most patient, forgiving, accepting people I've even known.

Suzanne said...

Make fun if you will, but I'm grateful for those Dickey suspenders. I'd hate to view this pic with his "jogging" shorts around his ankles. Un-pretty.

Ben Aggus said...

Obviously Euro Disney must be closed for the season. Was he wearing wood shoes?